
Tuesday 24 October 2017

Healthy & GOOD FOOD

You Should Have EVERY DAY For Our Better Health :-

1. GARLIC - Its a full of good nutrients for our day to day working life process. Its also helps in digestive system process for the stomach. It mainly regenerates the anti functional process which beats the anti bacterial issues from our body. 


2. TOMATOES - Its a Vitamin c process which our body needs a lot during the official day and also very important to have during the pregnancy and also rich in small children's. Its also enhances the blood circulation and the amount of blood in the body which directly cleans the all bad toxins which have dirt in the cells and toxify fastly.

3. CUCUMBERS - Its an agent thing which directly hydrates and cool the body heating due to heat and gives you a instant change in your body and looks. And for any bacterial issues the cucumber juice is instant relief agent. 

4. HEMP SEEDS - Hemp seeds are very rich in nature and also very riched with protein by which our body works well and also do the processing work so fast and gives no weakness.

5. SPINACH - Spinach is a anti- inflammatory thing which a body needs to do circulating process of our stomach. It also hydrates the body parts and control the temperature of the body.

6. AVOCADO - Avocado are very lower in your cholesterol by which no body fats can occur in any parts of the body and also stimulates the blood circulation of hair processing for fast hair growth and beautiful.

7. GRAPE FRUIT - Grape fruit are one of the boosting system by which liver function are boosted without the help of other item and stimulates the water control process by which no liver problems come back.

8. KALE - Kale are very rich in iron by which our body are well settled by any weakness of due to any problems. It has also carbon by which the body stimulates the circulation process.

9. PEPPERS - Peppers are loaded with antioxidants which are help during the anti-inflammatory body parts of digestive system. They are mainly help in cleaning the toxin from the body and hydrates the body functioning parts.


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