
Sunday 12 November 2017

Best And Easy Home Remedies For Acne

Here are some Proven Quick and Easy, Best and Effective Home Remedies for any Acne Problem that can be cured naturally in no time after using these very Simply Remedies in your Home itself.


  • Rubbing an ice cube daily for some days on your acne would come to fade away very fastly in some days. And you will get the clear and spotless face fastly and naturally.
  • Ice are the most effective solution for any pimple, acne or scars problem because it minimizes the pores and make it into a cooling form.
  • Ice cube is a form of an agent which makes your skin very flawless and also pore-less.
  • Rub onto your face daily before going to bed.


  • Aloe Vera gel is an agent by which you can reduce your any kind of scars naturally from home itself.
  • Aloe fights with any kind of bacteria which makes your skin very dull, dirty and acne pron skin.
  • It has some power-fullness of goodness anti agent properties which makes your skin soooo tight, cool, supple, very soft and also sooo radiant.
  • Use it daily once before bed time and sleep like that only and next day early in the morning wash it with cool water to get it's benefits so fast.


  • Egg white are specially known for perfect cure for bad acne problems because it has a lot of ageing properties which fights to reduces the acne scar problem in no time.
  • It generally make your large pores become small, also gives a soft texture to your skin and also your breakouts will appear sooner and you can get a glowing finish to it.
  • It's regular usage of applying a layer of it onto your acne would make it go very fast.
  • Apply daily before going to bed in night for about 20 to 30 min onto your face and then wash it with cool plane water to get clear skin naturally.


  • Mint leaves are very hydrating agent which gives an instant cooling sensation to your skin.
  • It's also have dehydrating agent which minimizes the acne pron skin with it's regular usage.
  • It's also nourishes your skin cells and makes it beautifully naturally.
  • It can be apply with the mix of curd and it should be applied before going to bed in night and also in early morning for about 20 min and then wash it with cool water. 


  • Turmeric is an anti inflammatory agent which helps from any kind of bad bacterial form from onto your skin.
  • It's has an anti oxidized agent which helps to fade away any bad acne problem within no time.
  • It generally makes your skin soft and gives a radiant look.
  • Applying a turmeric face mask daily onto your acne it reduces it very fast.
  • Apply turmeric by adding little amount of raw milk to make a thick paste and some drops of rose water and also some drops of mustered oil or if you don't have then use tee tree essential oil to it and apply this onto your face up to 20 to 30 min approx and wash it with cool water.
  • Apply this daily up to 2 to 3 weeks to get acne free clear skin very fast before going to bed in night.


  • Cucumber is an cooling agent known from an ancient time and also best formula to get that beautiful, spotless skin naturally.
  • Cucumber are very highly riched in an inflammatory properties to fight with any kind of bacteria.
  • It treats very supply onto your acne pron skin without giving any irritation to it.
  • Apply some raw cut cucumber slices on to your acne skin directly any time to get an instant relief naturally.
  • Applying it on regularly basis several times a day can reduce your acne very fast.


  • Lemon is an agent which have nutrient fights properties which enhances the skin naturally very fast.
  • It also minimizes your acne in just use of few days.
  • By applying it regularly on daily basis for 1 to 2 weeks it's for sure to get a clear and acne free skin naturally.
  • You can apply the mixture to honey and lemon to your mask all you need to do is take one table spoon of lemon juice and half table spoon of honey in to it and you are ready to apply it.
  • Apply this mask for at-least 20 to 30 min daily before going to bed in night at least for 2 to 3 weeks.


  • Cinnamon sticks are an awesome agent to fights every skin problem.
  • It helps to fight the acne pron skin very fast and easy by regular usage.
  • It also has an not irritation formula which can be applied on any type of skin to treat the problem.
  • Applying this paste can cure surely your acne very fast in less usage days.
  • To make a paste you have to take 2 table spoon cinnamon powder and then mix it with 1 table spoon honey and then you are ready to apply it onto your acne skin and leave it till 30 min and then wash it with cool water.
  • For best result apply this mask for at least 1 to 2 weeks regular 2 times a day.

I hope that all remedies which I have shown that really help-fulled for your problem and to get rid of your problem very fast you can choose any one of the home remedies depending on which method  suits your skin type best.


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